Sunday, December 04, 2005

Google Talkabout: Lots to Talk about!

From the googletalk on Blogger: Lots to Talk about!

There are a lot of exciting things in store for Google Talk in the coming months and we thought the best way to tell you about them was to create a blog. We'll keep you posted on new features, happenings in the community, and progress towards our goal of enabling customer choice in Internet communications through open standards and interoperability.

One thing in particular we are really excited about is all the activity in the community around Google Talk. One of our favorite resources is Customize Talk which provides news, tips & tricks, and links to fun add-ons.

In addition to all the add-ons, some clever developers in the community have also documented our voice signaling extensions to XMPP (which we will also formally document soon) and someone even figured out how to make RPC calls using Google Talk ;-)

Thanks for all your great feedback on the product so far, keep the great ideas coming!

Mike Jazayeri
Product Manager


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