Monday, November 28, 2005
Samsung SGH-D600 Mystery Game: "Samsung has launched an interactive adventure game featuring the SGH-D600. The game, which requires Macromedia Flash Player 8, has players use the phone's features as they try to solve a mystery. There's also a weekly draw for prizes.
VoIP Wrapup Story in Business Week
VoIP Wrapup Story in Business Week: " This story is a fairly comprehensive wrap up about the state of VoIP. It again tells us what we already know: 1. CallVantage has the best call quality. 2. The cable guys are making moves into VoIP in a big way 3. Skype is the alternative"
Sunday, November 27, 2005
The inanity of the American consumer

The inanity of the American consumer: " Never before in history have so many needed so little. 'What do you get for someone who has everything' takes on a whole new meaning in the face of the BTB TEM 500. This device will toast your muffin, poach an egg and heat your ham, all at the same time. What kind of person, exactly, needs this? If you're the rush out the door guy who stops at McDonalds, then there's no way you're going to stop and clean the thing. And if you're a gourmet, you probably want to make more than one at a time, and you still don't want to clean it. Not only don't people need it, it's unclear that they even want it. It seems as though we've marketed ourselves into a corner, where the only way to grow is to find increasingly narrow niches of decreasing utility. The consumer portion of our economy is now dependent on a four-week long debt-fueled race to buy the useless. Surely consumers can do better. And maybe, marketers can lead us there."
LamaBox P2P media playin' lawsuit in a box
LamaBox P2P media playin' lawsuit in a box: " Whoa Nelly, here?s a little sumtin? sumtin? to get the attention of the MPAA and RIAA litigation gestapo: Dutch company LamaBox is launching today what they are claiming to be the world?s first media player with built-in peer-2-peer functionality. It plugs directly into your TV, provides search and download support for all the major P2P services you?d expect including Bittorrent and Kazaa, ships with a DVD burner and up to 400GB with 2 additional IDE connections for expansion, and is said to play ?any format? of image/audio/video files found on the Internet. You may remember that Grokster was taken down due to their file sharing app and for subjectively taking ?affirmative steps to foster infringement.? So LamaBox is easy prey, eh? Not so fast, see the Dutch supreme court ruled long ago in favor of the then Netherlands-based Kazaa and only classifies the upload of copyrighted material as illegal. As the LamaBox FAQ responds to the question of the legality of downloading films and music, ?downloading from the Internet is always legal.? Those free-livin? straight-talkin? Dutch are offering the low end 40GB LamaBox 400 for ?279/$329 or a 400GB top-end LamaBox 900 with DVD burner for ?479/$565. Expect ?em to ship with a subpoena if they ever come Stateside ? you know how the MPAA and RIAA roll.
Holographic-memory discs may put DVDs to shame
Holographic-memory discs may put DVDs to shame: "A new computer disc � about the size of a DVD yet able to hold 60 times more data and work 10 times faster - should go on sale in 2006"
Blocked ventilation holes on Xbox 360?
Blocked ventilation holes on Xbox 360?: "From Some observant [] readers have written in wondering if any of the possible Xbox 360 heating issues could be linked to what appears to be 'unpopped' ventilation holes on the console itself (see below).Bottom-line: While it does look like a random pattern, it is consistent across all examined Xboxes and does not appear to be any kind of manufacturing flaw.
Xbox 360 Launch Team 2005 Special Edition
Xbox 360 Launch Team 2005 Special Edition: "Some of you might remember the Xbox Launch Team 2001 special edition. It's probably one of the most (if not THE most) rare retail (original) Xbox system.It's a translucent green Xbox with a 'Launch Team 2001' jewel signed by Bill Gates and it came with unique 'big' translucent green controllers (the PAL and Halo1/2 green special editions came with green 's' controllers). It was sold (not even given for free) to Xbox-division employees back in 2001.Well it looks like Microsoft did something similar for the Xbox 360. Below is a picture of the 'Launch Team 2005' Xbox 360 special edition, courtesy John Porcaro, a PR manager on the Xbox team at Microsoft. Check out the USB door, it says 'I made it'. The top and bottom grill/hard drive are green.I don't know if these were given for free to the Xbox Team or if they had to buy them again, but either way ... knowing what such a special edition could go for on ebay it's certainly worth it. News-Sources:,,"
BT to Provide Free VoIP Calls via WiFi and WiMax
BT to Provide Free VoIP Calls via WiFi and WiMax: " In what has to be good news to Yahoo and possibly Bridgeport Networks, British Telecom has signaled the market that they don't plan to sit idle as 'free calling' from the likes of Skype. To accomplish this there needs to be some IMS layer technology, which is where Bridgeport Networks comes in. Both companies were recently at a Fixed Mobile Convergence conference in Toronto last week, so it's kind of interesting that this story breaks. But one has to wonder if Yahoo with all the partners it has (BT, SBC, Verizon, YahooBB in Japan) is really friend or future foe. Couldn't Yahoo at some point take all that traffic, keep it on their network, connect all the Yahooligans together and bypass their partners when Yahoo user one wants to talk to Yahoo user 2?"
Saturday, November 26, 2005
CBS looking to Google for Internet TV?
CBS looking to Google for Internet TV?: "Is content king, or how we get at it? CBS is in talks with a number of companies to bring its content to new viewers, but old debates are taking on new life."
Google And Time Warner Telecom?
Google And Time Warner Telecom?: " Time Warner Telecom, which was spun out a few years back from TimeWarner/AOL may be in cahoots with Google. TWT does have a very good network. They want only enterprise customers and the have the build out to be able to supply Google with some aspects of what they want, likely filling in gaps beyond the dark fiber Google has of their own."
Monday, November 21, 2005
Skype goes retail with RadioShack, adds Moto Bluetooth headset
Skype goes retail with RadioShack, adds Moto Bluetooth headset: "If one of eBay?s goals in handing over $4 billion to pick up Skype earlier this year was to make the popular VoIP service more mainstream, it looks like they?re starting to make it happen. Skype hardware, including a new Motorola Bluetooth headset (pictured), will soon be available in a mall near you, thanks to a deal just inked between Skype and RadioShack. Beginning Monday, RadioShack stores will feature Skype kiosks, where customers will be able to try out Skype-specific accessories, including starter kits that will bundle a basic headset with a 30-minute SkypeOut calling card for just $5. The Moto headset, the H500, will come bundled with a USB adapter, at a price of about $100.
Monday, November 14, 2005
Sony Ericsson J220
Sony Ericsson J220: "The Sony Ericsson J220 is a stick phone optimised for ease of use with simplified one click menu access. The phone will be available in the first quarter of 2006. From the news release: Sony Ericsson J220 – Simplicity and..."
The Emotional Wardrobe

The Emotional Wardrobe: "Lisa Stead' s Emotional Wardrobe is a collection of garments that represent and stimulate emotional response through technology-enhanced aesthetics. The pieces of clothing change their aesthetic display in response to the emotions of the wearer or the presence of a viewer. The Emotional Wardrobe comprises of both worn and unworn garments. The worn garment responds to the wearer via body sensors, translating an inferred change in emotional state with a change in the garment aesthetics. LEDs create various patterns of colour, which glow from behind contours in the dress. The rhythmic patterns associated with music and emotion and could be used to improve self-awareness of moods or enhance and explore social interaction and self-expression. This concept could also encourage interaction between the wearer and society. The most interesting part (to me) of Lisa Stead's research is the unworn garments which 'live' around the house. They suggest that clothing left unworn could assume an emotive function by reacting to human presence. By representing human characteristics, fears and fantasies, they seek to provoke paradoxical emotions in the viewer. Desiree (picture above) is a dress of electroluminescent 'sequins' that flirts with the viewer. When she senses your presence she shimmers, her signals becoming more excited as you draw nearer, imitating the human gaze during the ritual of flirting. Pikme "
Mercora IMRadio for Google Talk
Mercora IMRadio for Google Talk: "Think peer-to-peer music sharing is a thing of the past? You couldn't be more wrong."
Sunday, November 13, 2005
ESPN the ring tone: In the zone on a cell phone
ESPN the ring tone: In the zone on a cell phone: "ESPN has crammed everything it has learned about television into the guts of a black Sanyo cell phone with red keys and a 2.1-inch screen."
Saturday, November 12, 2005
No Xbox 360 for Walk-in Customers until April 2006?
No Xbox 360 for Walk-in Customers until April 2006?: "From[QUOTE]The rumors, apparently, are true. According to retailers in San Francisco, Chicago, New York, Miami and Houston, there will be mass shortage of Xbox 360 units on the targeted launch date of November 22. IGN contacted dozens of stores around the country, including Gamestop, EB Games, Electronics Boutique, Target and Walmart. One short-tempered clerk at a Gamestop in New York estimated that Xbox 360 units will not be available for walk-in customers until April. That's right, April.April is obviously the worst-case scenario, but every retailer we spoke with that accepted preorders estimated that walk-in customers will have to wait until January for their new system. And since none of those retailers are accepting any more preorders, there may be a lot of disappointed little gamers this Christmas.[/QUOTE]Read More:"
Management guru Drucker dead at 95
Management guru Drucker dead at 95: "Showed keen eye for observing management, business trends, predicting, in '50s, coming importance of computers."
Memo to Amazon: if it takes buying IDT to get Net2Phone, do it!
Memo to Amazon: if it takes buying IDT to get Net2Phone, do it!: "A few months ago, after I posted that ought to snap up Net2Phone, fellow VoIP blogger, friend and peerless wine connoisseur thought I was a bit daft. He then created a post called 'Pass The Pipe, Russell.'Well, here's the pipe, Andy. The IP pipe.Let me revisit the issue.IDT is a diversified telephony services provider [...]"
Feds' Net-wiretap order set to kick in
Feds' Net-wiretap order set to kick in: "Starting Monday, all broadband and many VoIP providers will have 18 months to ready their networks for easier eavesdropping."
Friday, November 11, 2005
Cell phones rule`s
Walt Mossberg: Cell phones rule by ZDNet's Dan Farber -- I caught up with Walt Mossberg for a podcast prior to the Churchill Club event "Making a List: What's Hot and What's Not in Personal Technology," which Walt hosted with fellow Wall Street Journal columnist Kara Swisher.Walt explains why the "device formerly known as the cell phone" is the hottest consumer product category, along with iPods [...]
Here's a look at Vonage's ops center, worker bees
Here's a look at Vonage's ops center, worker bees: "Earlier this week, fellow VoIP blogger Tom Keating got a tour of Vonage's headquarters and Network Operations Center.In his post 'A peek inside Vonage headquarters,' Tom's embedded a streaming video of his tour. You can call up the video directly by clicking this link. That's a freeze-frame grab off the video on the right. And, [...]"
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Windows Washing Machine
The Windows Washing Machine is made out of a pc, an electrical tincan-opener, an alu-frame and two roadbricks. As the computer rotates 360 degrees around its axis, all desktop elements such as windows, buttons and scrollbars respond to the constantly changing direction of gravity: they fall to the bottom of the screen all the time.A little stone is attached to the mouse which is also connected to the computer and functions as a balancing receptor. When the computer rotates, the mouse clicks and releases by the changes in gravity. Harm van den Dorpels.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Yahoo to Introduce Cellphone
Yahoo to Introduce Cellphone: "Yahoo has announced that it will be introducing a cellphone in conjunction with SBC Communications. The phone will be manufactured by Nokia, and will operate on the Cingular network, which is co-owned by SBC Communications and BellSouth Corp. The phone will be manufactured by Nokia, and will operate on the Cingular network, which is co-owned by SBC Communications and BellSouth Corp. The phone will feature an MP3 player, a 1.3 megapixel camera and a removable memory card.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Dutch Postbank Blue Box USB piggybank

Dutch Postbank Blue Box USB piggybank: " Probably taking their cue from the tobacco and fast-food industries, the post office-based Dutch Postbank is trying to get kids addicted to banking early in life by offering them a free USB-powered “piggybank” to count their allowances and lemonade stand earnings (or whatever it is they peddle out of their makeshift storefronts in the liberal Netherlands). The Blue Box, as it is known, is available to children ages 7 to 11 who open up an Easy Blue account, and agree to let the bank open up a secret credit card upon their first overdraft (oh wait, we’re thinking of Wells Fargo right here in the US). Anyway, besides counting up Euros, the Blue Box also rocks a stopwatch, photo album, game device, and limited web browser (limited to one site, it seems). So if you’re a parent who really cares about your kids, send ‘em off to Amsterdam, where Junior’s early exposure to money-lust will give him a better chance of maturing into a Dennis Kozlowski, John Rigas, or similar titan of industry.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Is the Xbox 360 the 2nd coming of the Sega Dreamcast?
Is the Xbox 360 the 2nd coming of the Sega Dreamcast?: "From[QUOTE]* 23 eerie parallels between Xbox 360 and the Sega Dreamcast.Ever since the first details of the Xbox 360 hit the web, gamers have drawn comparisons to Sega's ill-fated (yet still highly regarded) Dreamcast console. There are the obvious examples - the timing of the launches or the color of the hardware - but then there are a lot of not so obvious ones, too. As part of our Xbox 360 countdown, we've put together a list of our favorites. Noticed any others?Check it out:* 10 reasons why Xbox 360 will succeed where the Dreamcast stumbledSure, it's easy to come up with some parallels between the two platforms, but will the Xbox 360 go the way of the Dreamcast and have Microsoft abandon it a few years into its life cycle? Extremely unlikely. Microsoft is in a much different position than Sega was a few years ago. Here are some of the top reasons why the Xbox 360 will succeed where the Dreamcast failed.Check it out:[/QUOTE]Read More:"
Saturday, November 05, 2005
History of the Coffee House
History of the Coffee House: "Today, the idea of a coffee house usually brings to mind a cozy place that serves gourmet coffee and espresso drinks, with couches to lounge in while you sip. So how did the coffee house get its start? How long..."
Voice Over Wireless LANs
Voice Over Wireless LANs: "New dual-mode cellular/Wi-Fi systems and standards may fulfill the promise of just one mobile device that works anywhere. We evaluate what's being called the killer app for WLAN."
Will Google buy TiVo? Here's how it could make sense
Will Google buy TiVo? Here's how it could make sense: "That's not as an outlandish idea as it might sound. In fact, columnist Rick Aristotle Munarriz of the investing news and advice site The Motley Fool mentions TiVo first in a list of companies he thinks 'may be in the process of dolling temselves up in frnt of the dressing room mirror because they can [...]"
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Buffalo HD-HTGL/R5 TeraStation reviewed

Buffalo HD-HTGL/R5 TeraStation reviewed: "If you’re considering using a Buffalo TeraStation or other big NAS drive as a media server, you may want to check out Davis Freeberg’s review of the TeraStation at Thomas Hawk’s Digital Connection first — along with the response from Buffalo to an earlier version of the review. Freeberg points out that, although having a terabyte of networked storage sounded great at first, he was plagued by throughput problems and misinformation from customer service personnel when he tried to get a fix. Later, Buffalo responded that throughput would indeed be slower on a NAS than on a dedicated drive, but that his speeds were unusually slow, and that, despite word to the contrary from customer service, the drive can work as a server with Windows MCE. Looks like these drives aren’t quite ready for the average non-technical consumer — or for Buffalo’s average non-technical support personnel.